
Showing posts from March, 2018

Congress ends investigation into Russia-Trump connection. Says there is no collusion.

There are three investigations into Russia's influence in the 2016 USA presidential election. The senate probe, the special prosecutor probe and the congressional probe. The congressional probe has ended with the collusion that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russians to get Trump elected president. Although they did find evidence of Trump campaign officials meeting with Russians, they characterized some of these as chance meetings and others as "inappropriate meetings".  They offered no definition of the term "inappropriate".  Not all members of the committee agree that the investigation should end. 1%: This confirms there was no collusion. All inquiries should be shut down. 99% The house intelligence committee lost all credibility when the leader of the committee, Devin Nunes, pulled that stunt at the White House last year. You can read about what has been characterized as a stunt. This one involves Nunes (Inspector Clouseau) hopping in and out

Never boring That's crook, not cook. USA President fires his long time personal assistant from his white house position because the man is under investigation for financial crimes, then employs him as a member of the Trump re-election campaign. All wonder if his new position will involve fundraising? + view: We don't want crooks in the White House where they can get our money, but everything goes on an election campaign.. -view: Say what? Crooks aren't welcome in the white house but welcomed to the campaign? How does this den of liars and crooks continue to operate under the radar?

US President fires crook from White House so he can work on President's re-election campaign. That's crook, not cook. USA President fires his long time personal assistant from his white house position because the man is under investigation for financial crimes, then employs him as a member of the Trump re-election campaign. All wonder if his new position will involve fundraising? + view: We don't want crooks in the White House where they can get our money, but everything goes on an election campaign.. -view: Say what? Crooks aren't welcome in the white house but welcomed to the campaign? How does this den of liars and crooks continue to operate under the radar?